Seasons of Healing – Digital Download eBook


Self-love, self-care, and healing via poetry about nature and the hidden lessons there within. PDF Digital eBook version immediately downloadable.


Seasons of Healing is a poetry collection that acknowledges and explores the notion that life mimics the seasons found in nature, providing the reader with an organizational structure for life events—utilizing poetry as a metaphorical lens. The collection encourages readers to embrace the idea that every aspect of life requires learning, growth, and analysis while being kind to our inner-being because self-love and kindness will lead to more robust living.

M. Gail Grant holds a Master of Arts in Professional Writing from Kennesaw State University, emphasizing composition and rhetoric with support areas in creative and applied writing. Additionally, Grant earned a graduate certificate in Professional Writing for International Audiences. When asked what she enjoys the most outside of her professional responsibilities, Grant emphatically references submerging herself in the tranquility of nature, contemplating life’s idiosyncratic moments, and observing life’s most subtle lessons that only the sounds of nature deliver. She will be the first to acknowledge that facilitating both mental health and spiritual wellness is essential for healthy living.

Additional information

Weight 454 kg
Dimensions 26.67 × 20.32 × 2.54 cm


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